[南梆子 ]是京剧独有的腔调。其来源有各种说法。笔者查阅有关资料 ,发现 [南梆子 ]是直接源于河北梆子 ,即将其 [导板 ]和 [小安板 ]借用过来 ,与京剧旦腔 [西皮原板 ]、[二六 ]、[流水 ]融合一起而成。将河北梆子完全变为京剧化 [南梆子 ]的是梅兰芳 ,在其排演各种古装新戏中加以运用 ,并做了丰富多彩的发展变化。由河北梆子变为京剧化的 [南梆子 ]有其演化过程。从 [南梆子 ]产生到完全京剧化的年代 ,大约是清末民初。其称谓将“梆子”冠以“南”字 ,可能是当时艺人为了区别与北方梆子不同加上的。
[Nanxiaozi] Peking Opera unique accent. There are various sources of its claims. The author consulted the relevant materials and found that [Nanxunzi] directly originated from Hebei Baizi, borrowed its [Guide Plate] and [Xiaoban Plate] and merged with Peking Opera Dan Chamber [Sipi Original Plate], [26] and [Flowing Water] to make. Mei Lanfang, who turned Hebei Bangzi into a Peking Opera [Nanxunzi] completely, used it in various rehearsal costumes and made many colorful changes. From Hebei Bangzi into Beijing Opera [South Bangzi] has its evolutionary process. From the [Nanxunzi] produced to fully era of Beijing Opera, about the late Qing dynasty. The title of “prickly heat” with the “South” character, may be the artist at the time in order to distinguish different with the northern prickly heat added.