《拔蒂士特夫人》(MADAME BARTISTE)作于一八八二年,是莫泊桑的前期作品之一。作者从人道主义的立场出发,通过一位妇女被旧的习惯势力逼疯、逼死的悲惨故事,对当时的社会提出了严厉的批判。尽管笔墨冷峻是作者的一贯作风,但是作品对社会的极度愤慨,对被损害被侮辱者的深切同情,以及对那位敢于抵制社会偏见的哈穆先生的热情赞扬,仍溢于言表。小说结构严密,心理描写细腻,冲突层层加剧,然而,文笔又是那么流畅和简洁。这一点,对于我们研究如何把短篇小说写得短一些、精一些,是值得借鉴的。译者青崖先生毕生致力于法国文学的介绍,先后翻译、出版过莫泊桑小说一百四十多篇。最近我们在有关部门的帮助下,又找到了他的一些遗译稿,现先择此篇介绍给读者。
MADAME BARTISTE was made in 1882 as one of Maupassant’s first works. From a humanitarian standpoint, the author, through a tragic story of a woman being driven by the old habits of power and forced to death, severely criticized the society at that time. Despite the author’s consistent style of writing, the penmanship of the writer remains extremely indignation at the society, his deep sympathy for the victim who was harmed by the humiliation, and his warm tribute to Mr. Hamoum, who dared to resist social prejudice, remained silent. The structure of the novel is tight, the psychological description is exquisite, and the layers of conflict are exacerbated. However, the writing is fluent and concise. This point is worth learning from how we study how to write shorter and more refined short stories. Translator Mr. Qing Ya life devoted to the introduction of French literature, has translated, published more than 140 Maupassant novel. Recently, with the help of the relevant departments, we found some of his revisions, and now we introduce this to our readers.