盐在云南地方经济的发展历史上有着十分密切的关系。特别是近代 ,由于唐继尧滇系军阀的兴起、发展 ,导致云南战事频繁、财政困难。军阀的掠夺性本质与盐在云南地方经济上的重要地位 ,使得唐继尧军阀围绕盐展开了一系列的活动。本文认为 :盐的产、运、销成为唐继尧时期影响云南经济、政治及社会的一个比较突出的因素 ;滇系军阀在形成、发展、鼎盛及衰落过程中自始至终伴随着对盐的控制战与掠夺战。盐对滇系军阀的发展具有举足轻重的作用
Salt in Yunnan local economy has a very close relationship in the history of development. Especially in modern times, due to the rise and development of the Tang warlords and the Yunnan warlords, Yunnan led to frequent war incidents and financial difficulties. The predatory nature of the warlords and the importance of salt in the local economy of Yunnan led Tang Jiyao’s warlords to carry out a series of activities around the salt. This paper argues that the production, transportation and sale of salt have become a prominent factor affecting the economy, politics and society of Yunnan during Tang Jiyao’s time. The warlord control and looting of salt throughout the history of the formation, development, prosperity and decline of the Yunnan warlords, war. Salt plays a decisive role in the development of the Yunnan warlord