1990年6月中旬,作为一名特约记者,我有幸随同铁道部委派的柳州局职工教育工作检查组,对哈尔滨铁路局的职工教育做了一次巡礼。其间,我时刻被到处涌动起的一股股热流激动着、鼓舞着。旅行途中,伴着飞驰列车有节奏的声响,我陷入冥思苦想中。究竟是什么推动着哈尔滨铁路局经济的迅速发展呢?它与职教的发展又是什么关系呢? 我在追忆中寻找着答案。哈尔滨铁路局共有7个分局,4个工程处,1个工业处。它管辖线路,总长10292公里,营业线6268公里。共有职工250188人,其中干部58818人,工人191371人,主要工种82927个。几年来,哈局职工教育取得了长足进展,建立职大1所,教育学院1所,局电大
In mid-June 1990, as a special correspondent, I was fortunate to have conducted a tour of worker education in Harbin Railway Bureau along with the inspection team of the Liuzhou Bureau Staff Workforce Education Commission assigned by the Ministry of Railways. In the meantime, I was always thrown up by a wave of heat flow excited, inspired. Traveling, accompanied by the rhythmic sound of speeding train, I fell into contemplation. What exactly promoted the rapid economic development of Harbin Railway Bureau? What is the relationship between it and the development of vocational education? I am looking for the answer in my memory. Harbin Railway Bureau has a total of seven branch offices, four engineering offices, an industrial office. It manages the line, with a total length of 10292 kilometers, 6268 kilometers of business lines. A total of 250,188 employees, of which 58,818 cadres, 193,771 workers, the main types of work 82927. Over the past few years, Kazakhstan Bureau staff education has made considerable progress, the establishment of a vocational school, a college of education, Bureau of TV