迎着干部人事制度改革的春风,我省推行乡镇干部聘用制已经走过了十年光辉的历程。十年来,从洞庭湖畔到九巍山麓,从湘东老区到湘西苗寨,千百万端“泥饭碗”的“泥腿干部”,扎根潇湘沃土、施展才华抱负,为建设繁荣、富强、文明、安乐的社会主义新农村,辛勤耕耘、默默奉献,洒下了青春的热血,创出了辉煌的业绩。实践证明在乡镇实行干部聘用制,是人事制度改革的一项重大突破,显示了明显的优越性,具有强大的生命力。 为了表彰奋战在三湘四水、芙蓉国里广大乡镇聘用干部中的先进典型,讴歌他们的崇高的思想,动人的事迹,本刊特辟“沃土新苗”专栏,欢迎各级人事部门的领导、广大读者、作者、社会各界的朋友们,特别是来自基层第一线的同志们,踊跃来信来稿,为办好这个园地培一搏斗杯土,浇一掬水,让这块沃土绽放出更茁壮、更绚丽的新苗。
Facing the spring breeze of the reform of the cadre and personnel system, the cadres hiring system in our province has gone through a glorious decade. In the past ten years, from the Dongting Lake to the foothills of Jiuwei, from the eastern part of Xiangdong to the Miaozhan cadres of the western Hunan Miaozhai and Mianduandu Muddy Rice Bowls, they have taken root in the Xiaoxiang fertile soil and displayed their talents and aspirations for the construction of a prosperous, prosperous, Energetic new socialist countryside, hard work, silently dedication, shed the blood of youth, created a brilliant performance. Practice has proved that the implementation of the system of employing cadres in villages and towns is a major breakthrough in the personnel system reform, showing obvious superiority and strong vitality. In recognition of the advanced models of hiring cadres in the vast majority of towns and villages in the Three-Xiangs and Four Rivers and in the Furong State, they solemnly praised their lofty ideals and moving stories. We hereby publish a special column on fertile soil and new spirits and welcome the leadership of personnel departments at all levels Many readers, authors and friends from all walks of life, especially those comrades from the grassroots level, enthusiastically sent letters and contributions to help this garden to cultivate a cup of earth and water and make it bloom more Sturdy, more brilliant new seedlings.