日本弓背蚁在地下筑巢,最深达1.40 m,每巢有卵0~953个,幼虫29~2 302条,蛹0~953个,工蚁42~4 012只,无翅雌蚁1~3只。秋季产生有性蚁,每年4月底至5月初婚飞。各阶段发育历期分别为:卵期16~19天,幼虫期10~28天,预蛹期6~7天,蛹期14~19天。疑蚁蟋蟀和跳虫科昆虫与之共生。地面爬行的1~3龄松毛虫幼虫被蚂蚁发现后分别有70%、23.3%和10%被捕食,树上1~2龄幼虫被蚂蚁发现后分别有48%和10%被捕食。每亩有56个蚁巢的马尾松林,对1~2龄期松毛虫捕食效果达23.7%。
Japan dorsal ant nesting in the ground, the deepest 1.40 m, each nest has 0 to 953 eggs, larvae 29 to 2 302, 0 to 953 pupae, worker ants 42 to 4 012, wingless female 1 to 3 only. There are sexual ants in the fall, the end of April each year to early May wedding. The developmental stages of each stage are: oviparous 16 to 19 days, larvae 10 to 28 days, pre-pupal 6 to 7 days, pupal 14 to 19 days. Suspected crickets and hoppers insects and symbiosis. Ground caterpillars of 1 ~ 3 instar larvae were found to be 70%, 23.3% and 10% of the ants, respectively. The first to second instar larvae were found to be 48% and 10% of the ants, respectively, after being caught by the ants. Masson pine forests with 56 ant nests per acre predated the predation of 1 ~ 2 instar pine caterpillars by 23.7%.