容器苗造林可延长造林季节,并能极大地提高造林成活率。因此,前几年我县几个林场曾多次进行国外松容器育苗,但由于营养土配比不适,影响了育苗效果。为找出比较合理的国外松营养土配制方案,近年来,我们再次进行了试验,现将结果报道如下: 一、试验方法 试验地设在东海县石湖林场内。供试的种子是从美国进口的火炬松,湿地松,安徽省马鞍山林场的火炬松,南京林学院的“刚×火”F_2。营养土原料中的黄心土是从地下2米处挖出,比较疏松,松林土是从该场24年生的赤松林内挖取;育苗地土为轻度白浆土,粉状结构,土壤容重达1.5克/立方厘米,
Container seedling afforestation can extend the afforestation season, and can greatly improve the survival rate of afforestation. Therefore, a few years ago, several forest farms in our county have carried out seedling raising in foreign countries for many times. However, due to the discomfort of nutritive soil, the nursery effect is affected. In order to find a more reasonable plan for the preparation of pine nutrient soil in foreign countries, we conducted another experiment in recent years. The results are reported as follows: I. Test Methods The experiment was conducted in the Shihu Forest Farm in Donghai County. The seeds tested were loblolly pine (Pinus taeda), Pinus elliottii (Pinus elliottii) which was imported from the United States, Pinus taeda in Maanshan forest farm in Anhui province, and “Fired × fire” (F_2) in Nanjing Forestry College. Nutrient soil raw materials in the yellow heart soil is dug 2 meters underground, more loose pine soil is from the 24-year-old red pine forest digging; nursery soil is light white soil, powdery structure, soil bulk density of 1.5 G / cm3,