患者男,68岁。因“排尿不畅1年,加重10天”入院。临床诊断:1急性尿潴留;2前列腺增生症;3前列腺癌?查体:T36.2℃,P80bpm,R20bpm,BP162/85mm Hg。神志清楚,慢性病容,皮肤巩膜无黄染,全身淋巴结未见肿大,颈静脉正常。心界正常,律齐,各瓣膜区未闻及杂音,胸廓未见异常。双肺叩诊呈清音,双肺呼吸音清,未闻及干湿啰音及胸膜摩擦音。腹部(-),双下肢无水肿。肛检:前列腺增大,质韧,中央沟消失,未
Male patient, 68 years old. Due to poor urination 1 year, increased 10 days "admission. Clinical diagnosis: 1 acute urinary retention; 2 benign prostatic hyperplasia; 3 prostate cancer? Physical examination: T36.2 ℃, P80bpm, R20bpm, BP162 / 85mm Hg. Conscious, chronic disease, sclera skin without yellow dye, no enlarged lymph nodes, normal jugular vein. Heart normal, law Qi, the valve area did not smell and noise, chest anomalies. Pulmonary percussion was voiceless, lung breath sounds clear, no smell and wet and dry rales and pleural friction sound. Abdomen (-), no lower extremity edema. Anal examination: prostate enlargement, quality toughness, central ditch disappeared, not