1983年5月,我师在黔西南诞生了。10余年来,我师在抓好部队自身建设的同时,把驻地当故乡,视人民为父母,下真功夫,动真感情,与黔西南各族人民同呼吸、共命运,为振兴黔西南经济做了力所能及的工作。密切了军政、军民关系,促进了地方经济建设的发展。 1991年7月30日,贞丰县突降大暴雨,城关粮库围墙被洪水冲垮,4个粮仓进水,100多万公斤仓储粮急需紧急转移。 我师步兵二团迅速动员740名预备役人员全力投入抢险救灾。干部、战士一道、冒着高温和满
May 1983, my teacher was born in southwestern Guizhou. In the past 10 years, our division, while grasping the building of its own forces, has regarded the resident as its hometown, its people as its parents, its real efforts as a true neighbor, and shared the same fate with the people in all ethnic groups in southwest Guizhou for the rejuvenation of the economy in southwestern Guizhou I did my best work. The military and civilian relations have been closely followed and the development of local economy has been promoted. July 30, 1991, Zhenfeng sudden heavy rains, Chengguan grain storage walls washed down by floods, 4 granaries into the water, more than 100 million kilograms of storage grain emergency urgent transfer. Two divisions of our division infantry quickly mobilized 740 reservists to devote themselves to disaster relief. Cadres, fighters, braved the heat and full