推动管理创新 再造企业优势

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当前乡镇企业正处于结构调整和体制创新的重要转折时期,由于管理创新明显滞后于企业体制创新,降低了乡镇企业的竞争能力。因此,推动管理创新,已成为乡镇企业再创优势的战略选择。一、乡镇企业是创新的企业,创新是持续发展的动力,推动管理创新是乡镇企业再创优势的战略选择。回顾乡镇企业从无到有、从少到多、从小到大、从弱到强的发展历程,实质上是企业管理从传统管理、经验管理、制度管理向科学管理逐步演变,不断丰富、完善、发展和提高的创新过程。随着市场经济体制的建立,乡镇企业产权制度的改革,市场竞争环境的变化,经济增长方式的转型和知识经济的新挑战,目前乡镇企业迫切需要从管理思想、管理模式、管理体系、管理内容、管理方式和管理手段上进行全面创新,以实现管理运作市场化、管理组织高效化、管理制度规范化、管理方式科学化、管理手段现代化。 At present, township and village enterprises are undergoing an important turning point in structural adjustment and institutional innovation. Management innovation has lagged behind corporate system innovation and reduced the competitiveness of township and village enterprises. Therefore, promoting management innovation has become a strategic choice for township enterprises to recreate their advantages. 1. Township enterprises are innovative enterprises, innovation is the driving force for sustainable development, and promoting management innovation is the strategic choice for township enterprises to recreate their advantages. Reviewing the development course of township and village enterprises from nothing, from less to more, from small to large, and from weak to strong, in essence, business management evolves gradually from traditional management, experience management, institutional management to scientific management, and continuously enriches and improves. Develop and improve the innovation process. With the establishment of the market economy system, the reform of the property rights system of township and village enterprises, the changes in the market competition environment, the transformation of the economic growth mode, and the new challenges in the knowledge economy, the township and township enterprises are in urgent need of management ideas, management models, management systems, and management contents. , management methods and management methods to carry out a comprehensive innovation, in order to achieve the management of the operation of the market, the management organization of high efficiency, standardized management system, scientific management methods, modern management tools.
龙陵县坐落于云南西部的一个边陲小城。鲜为人知的是,在1942年至1945年期间,这里成为了攸关中国抗日战争胜负的决定性战场之一。这场战争,被称为“滇西抗战”。  1937年,抗日战争爆发,由于日军的封锁,我海上交通全部断绝,因此,另辟其他获取抗战援助物资的通道成为攸关战争胜利的战略决策。于是,1937年11月,民国政府行政院正式下令:由中央拨款200万元,限期一年内修通从云南昆明至缅甸腊戌的滇缅公
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已知数列{an}中任意相邻两项或几项间的递推关系a_(n+1)=pa_n+q求通项问题,把常见的几类归纳为下面五类。类型一、递推关系是an+1=pan+q型(其中p、q为常数,且p≠0)。 It is