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中国传统道德强调人际和谐,但调查显示,由于自卑心理及认知偏差,大部分中职生的人际关系并不理想。杨朱“贵己”观在帮助我们确立健康的自我观,处理因信仰失落、利益至上带来的人际交往困惑,笃定地追求终极价值方面有其积极的作用,作为中职德育课教师,可以取其精华为我所用,帮助学生实现自身和谐,构建良好的人际关系。并以此为例,号召教师们丰满自身理论体系,将中国传统精华思想逐步渗透到教学中来,丰沛学生的思想,为他们人生的可持续发展奠定坚实的思想基础。 Chinese traditional morality emphasizes interpersonal harmony, but the survey shows that due to the inferiority complex and cognitive bias, most of the secondary vocational students’ interpersonal relationships are not ideal. Yang Zhu “Gui Gui ” concept in helping us to establish a healthy self-concept, dealing with lost due to faith, the interests of the supremacy brought the confusion of interpersonal and confident in the pursuit of the ultimate value has its positive role as a teacher of moral education in secondary vocational schools , You can take the essence of my use, to help students achieve their own harmony, build good relationships. Taking this as an example, teachers are called upon to enrich their own theoretical system, gradually penetrate the traditional Chinese thought into their teaching, enrich their thinking and lay a solid ideological foundation for the sustainable development of their lives.
分析了载流子浓度、张应变量大小、量子阱阱宽和量子阱垒区材料组分对量子阱结构TE模和TM模折射率变化的影响.综合调配以上参数得到1530—1570 nm波长范围内同时具有大的折射
Three-dimensionalsurface scanning (3DSS) and multi-detector computed tomography (MDCT) are two techniques that are used inlegalmedicine for digitalizing objects
Introductory RemarksNobody denies that the West was the cradle of the concept of human rights.Since the American and French revolutions of the end of the eighte
记得好久前看过一部电影《卧虎藏龙》,在电影中有一句很经典的话语:当你紧握双手,里面什么也没有;当你打开双手,世界就在你手中。  自从我们每一个人记事起,我们的长辈们,我们的老师朋友们一直都在循循善诱的教导我们要如何努力、如何坚持、如何永不言弃。随着慢慢长大,年龄的不断增长,阅历的不断丰富,慢慢的我们会发现,好多时候,我们更需要学会如何放弃。  小溪放弃了平坦,却回归了大海的怀抱;蜡烛放弃了完美的躯
The confrontation between the disadvantaged and advantaged groups is eteal throughout the competition for survival.But the human spiritual world has its humane
The 14th Dalai Lama fled the country in 1959, embarking on a criminal path of betraying the Chinese nation andseparating the motherland by tuing to foreign forc
摘 要:礼仪直接关联民众的生活,具备良好的礼仪修养是当代大学生立足于社会的不可或缺的因素。然而当代大学生礼仪缺失,道德下滑的现象屡屡发生,影响了大学生这一群体的形象。而在学校教育中关于礼仪修养的培训存在不足,礼仪教育亟待以新的角度来解读。  关键词:大学生;传统文化;礼仪教育  《论语》有载 “不学礼,无以立”,礼仪作为古人生活的重要一部分已经渗透入民族文化的方方面面,它包含了许多值得我们吸收和继