
来源 :电力系统自动化 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hmilymemo
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随着我国电力体制改革的深化和三峡工程的投运,国家确定了“西电东送、南北互供、全国联网”的发展战略,规划了全国联网的基本格局,联合电网的动态安全控制稳定问题不论是从其内容的复杂程度和广度上,还是从安全稳定破坏对社会和经济所造成的影响程度和波及面上,都越来越重要。电力市场机制的实施一方面给电力系统稳定控制增加了难度,同时又给稳定控制技术提出了更高的要求。这些都表明,电力系统控制理论和应用是一个对我国电力发展至关重要的问题。为此,本刊编辑部拟邀请英国Bath大学王海风博士作为专题特约主编,组织一期“电力系统控制新进展”专题,召集国内外电力系统控制 With the deepening of China’s power system reform and the operation of the Three Gorges Project, the state has determined the development strategy of “sending power from west to east, north-south mutual supply, and national networking”, and has planned the basic pattern of the national interconnection network. The dynamic security control and stability of the United Power Grid Both the issue of the complexity and extent of its content, or from the security and stability damage to the social and economic impact and degree of impact, are more and more important. On the one hand, the implementation of the electricity market mechanism adds difficulty to the stability control of the power system, and at the same time, puts forward higher requirements for the stable control technology. All these show that the theory and application of power system control is a problem that is crucial to the development of power in our country. To this end, the editorial department of this magazine intends to invite Dr. Wang Hai Feng from Bath University of the UK as a special editor in charge of the topic and organize a special project entitled “New Progress in Power System Control” to convene domestic and international power system control
Hunt综合征,又称膝状神经节综合征,由Ramsay Hunt于190 7年首先报道,临床上并不鲜见,为带状疱疹病毒侵害面神经膝状神经节而引起严重的面肌麻痹,同时伴有耳廓、外耳道和鼓膜
我们于1992年开始应用我们自行研制的YL - 1型颅内血肿穿刺器具(专利号:ZL93- 2 - 4 4 2 5 2 0 8) ,以CT片为依据,无头架血肿定位,进行高血压性脑出血的血肿穿刺治疗110 0余
在过去的2 6年间,大量离体和在体的研究资料表明,腺苷(Adenosine)作为内源性保护因子在脑缺血缺氧后,尤其是神经元的代谢失衡处于可逆的情况下,表现出显著的自稳态调节及神经