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本文是拙稿“秦汉间封建土地所有制形式与农民起义的关系”中的最后两节.全稿共分六节:一、封建土地所有制形式讨论的中心问题是什么?二、徭役地租是秦汉间主要的封建地租剥削形态,地租和赋税是结合在一起的.三、(1)封建国家土地所有制的基本内容是计口授田;(2)脱离封建国家依附关系的农民流亡是秦汉间阶级斗争的隐蔽形式.四、封建土地私有权是相对的而不是绝对的,是割裂的而不是完整的.五、秦末农民起义的五项原因是直接对封建国家阶级搏斗的号角.六、秦末农民起义的历史作用.前四节中有些论点是就个人的认识水平,根据理论和史料来解答近年一些同志提出的关于封建国家土地所有制的意见,内容属研究性质而不是一般的辩论.本文论述,在涉及上文各节的地方,多不再重复,必要时只作为附注摘要补叙,故仍存原稿行文式样. This article is a concluding remarks “the last two sections of the relationship between peasant uprising and feudal land ownership in Qin and Han dynasties ” The full draft is divided into six sections: First, what are the central issues in discussing the form of feudal land ownership? (1) The basic content of the feudal state ownership of land is counting and granting land; (2) The exile of peasants from the feudal state dependency is the result of the class struggle between the Qin and Han dynasties The private form of the feudal land is relative rather than absolute, is fragmented rather than complete.Fifth, the peasant uprising in late Qin five reasons is the horns wrestling directly against the feudal national class. The Historical Role of Peasant Uprising Some of the arguments in the first four quarters are based on the individual’s level of understanding and on the basis of theory and historical data to answer the opinions of some comrades in recent years on the ownership of feudal state land in a research-based rather than a general debate. Whereas the sections dealing with the above are not repeated any more, the supplementary notes are only used as supplementary notes if necessary. Therefore, the style of the original manuscripts is still preserved.