笔者对 3例逆行射精的精子自尿液中分离处理后行人工授精 ,配偶均获妊娠 ,并足月生育两女婴。现报告如下。1 资料与方法本组 3例 ,年龄 2 4~ 2 9岁。婚龄 2~ 4年。婚后性交有快感 ,无精液排出体外 ,性交后尿液中可查见大量精子 ,不育 ;无外伤或手术史。体检未见异常。配偶均
The author of three cases of retrograde ejaculation sperm isolated from the urine after artificial insemination, spouses were pregnant, and full-term two baby births. The report is as follows. 1 Materials and Methods The group of 3 patients, aged 24 ~ 29 years old. Marital age of 2 to 4 years. Marital pleasure after sex, no semen excreted, urine can be found after sexual intercourse a lot of sperm, infertility; no trauma or surgery history. No abnormal physical examination. Spouses are