要让原来不听爵士乐的人投入爵士乐的世界,变成忠实的乐迷,不是一件简单的事。陌生造成隔阂,要让人跨越界限进入这个并不熟悉的音乐世界,需要一点诱因——有时候是一些令人好奇的奇特音乐素质,有时候是面对面接触带给听众的冲击,有时候是意见领袖、权威媒体的背书甚至是意识形态、社会阶层的契合。而这一切,对酷派爵士钢琴家戴夫·布鲁贝克来说,都不是问题。到今年12月6日就81岁的戴夫·布鲁贝克出生在美国加州。他受过完整的学院训练,大学时期在 college of pacific 读音乐,二次世界大战期间在著名的巴顿将军手下带领一支军乐队。退伍之后,他进入 Mills 学院,拜在古典作曲家
It is not a simple matter to turn people who do not listen to jazz into the world of jazz and become loyal fans. Strangeness creates estrangement, and getting people to cross the boundary into this unfamiliar world of music requires a bit of incentive - sometimes curiously curious music qualities, sometimes the impact of face-to-face contact with the listener, sometimes the opinion Endorsers of leaders, authoritative media even ideology, social class fit. And all this, for cool jazz pianist Dave Blubroke, is not a problem. December 6 this year on the 81-year-old Dave Brubacher was born in California. He was trained as a full-time college student at college of pacific during his college years and led a marching band under the famous General Patton during the Second World War. After leaving the army, he entered Mills College, worshiping the classical composers