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  Forever the Moment《我人生中最精彩的瞬间》
   Director: Soonrye Yim导演:林顺礼
   Country: South Korea 国家:韩国
   Genre: story类型:剧情
   Starring:So-ri Moo,Jung-Eun Kim,Tae-woong Eom主演:文素利、金正恩、严泰雄
   Runtime: 124min.片长:124分钟
  Release Date: January 10, 2008上映时间:2008年1月10日
   Female pluck, national pride and Olympic ambition coalesce in Forever the Moment . Based on the story of the South Korean women's handball team that reached the Athens Olympics' finals, the picture has done socko biz at home, 4 million admissions in six weeks.
   女性的勇气、民族的自尊和奥运的雄心在影片《我人生中最精彩的瞬间》中结合了起来。以韩国女子手球运动队进入雅典奥运会决赛为背景,这部电影在韩国卖座惊人, 6周内获400万票房。
   Main story focuses on two past champs brought in to boost the raggedy team: Mi-suk (Mun So-ri), now working in a supermarket, and Hye-gyeong (Kim Jeong-eun), coaching in Japan. Mi-suk is seen as over-the-hill by the younger players, and Hye-gyeong is replaced as coach by a male handball star, Seung-pil (Eom Tae-woong), who has fancy new ideas about training. Kim, normally in romantic-comedicroles , is aces as the tough female coach.
  Sweet Rain 《死神的精度》
  Director: Masaya Kakei导演:笕昌也
  Writers:Kotaro Isaka,Masaya Kakei 编剧:伊坂幸太郎,笕昌也
  Cast:Takeshi Kaneshiro,Junko Fuji,Manami Konishi演员:金城武、富司纯子、小西真奈美
  Release Date: 22 March 2008上映日期:2008年3月22日
  Genre: Fantasy / Horror 类型:奇幻/惊悚
  Runtime: 113 min.片长:113分钟
  Country: Japan国家:日本
  Language: Japanese语言:日语
  Based on a novel by Kotaro Isaka, agod of death(Takeshi Kaneshiro) takes human form and spends time with people who have a week left to live. He's actually quite charming as a human, and doesn't take any particular joy in the final goal of his work. Instead, he chooses to experience the good parts of humanity such as music and culture until the time comes to complete his task.
  About Takeshi Kaneshiro
  Date of Birth:11 October 1973, (Taipei )
  Mini Biography:The 1/2 Chinese (Mother) and 1/2 Japanese (Father)
  出生日期:1973年10月11日 (台北)
  God of death:死神
  role:n. (演员扮演的)角色、任务;
  the leading role 主角
  fill the role of担负……的任务
  play an important role in在……中起重要作用
  play the leading role 起主要作用, 起带头作用
  play the role of(sb.)(在剧中)扮演(某人)角色
  title role (part, character) 剧名(片名)角色(戏剧或影片中主人公的名字被用做剧名或片名)
When Britney Spears and Paris Hilton open their stockings on Christmas Day, they shouldn't be surprised to find a lump of coal.   A poll of American children released found that the two high-profile c
Mr. Daeha & Mr. Mingook 《大韩与民国》  Director导演: Choi Jin-Won崔真源  Country国家: South Korea韩国  Language语言: Korean韩语  Genre 类别: Comedy / Drama喜剧/剧情  Starring演员: Seong-gun Choi崔成国   Hyeon-jin Kong孔炯真   Hee-jin
Name: Emma Rose Roberts   Nicknames(昵称): Em, Emzie, Emmer   Age: 16   Born: February 10  Hometown: Los Angeles,California   Parents: Eric Roberts (dad), Kelly Cunningham (mom), Eliza Roberts (step-mom
在学校称呼老师最安全的方法是用“教授”(professor)。若知道老师的姓,亦可称呼其为某某教授,但不要称老师为先生(Sir),尤其是对女老师,因为她们可能会在意。也不要随便直呼老师的名字,除非老师告诉学生可以这么做。   老师的授课方式有:   1.演讲(Lecture)——老师讲,学生听。   2.研讨(Seminar)——学生先自行看书或做完功课后,再到课堂上和老师讨论,多为小组方式。  
If you're looking for happiness, go and live in Denmark.   如果你在寻找幸福,就去丹麦生活吧。   It is the happiest country in the world while Burundi in Africa is the most unhappy.   丹麦是世界上最幸福的国家,而非洲的布隆迪则是最不幸福的国家。   A
Do you have a problem or some distress you wish to chat? Have something to get off your chest? Writing to me, your sister Summer.   有难题或苦恼想跟人聊聊?想将积压心头的忧虑一吐为快?写信给我,你们的夏天儿姐姐会帮你解决你提出的任何问题。    To:szsxx@ya
出售信息:世界上最小的国家,国旗、邮票、货币、护照样样俱全。    如果你想拥有一个由自己“统治”的国家,那就赶紧向“海国”的迈克尔王子申请购买吧!不过这个“海国”是战争时代建造的堡垒,座落于北海中的两根混凝土塔柱之上。   “海国”的前身是一个建于二战时期抵御德国轰炸的防空基地。40年前,已退休的帕迪·罗伊·贝茨海军少校携家人“占领”了这个被遗弃的平台,并宣布成立“海国”公国。   “海国”距英
If you exhibit positive traits such as honesty and helpfulness, the chances are that you will be perceived as a good looking person, The perception of physical attractiveness is influenced by a person
“形影不离”怎么说   班上有两个女孩,每天上学一起来,放学一起走,不管做什么都是一起行动。如果哪天我们只看到其中一个,都会问,另一个哪去了?大家已经习惯她们形影不离了。英语中表达形影不离有个很形象的说法,叫cheek by jowl。   这个短语最早是从莎士比亚的《仲夏夜之梦》里来的,当时叫cheek by cheek。两个世纪之后才出现了cheek by jowl这种说法。Cheek和jow
I met a man who came to Tampa for his father's funeral. Father and son hadn't seen each other in years. In fact, according to the son, his father had left when he was a boy, and they had had little co