随着和平文化运动的开展,铲除战争和暴力文化、建设和平文化已成为和平文化运动的两个基本目标。悄然兴起的和平文化研究,以联合国大会宣布的“2000 年——国际和平文化年”为标志,正在进入新的历史阶段。它的发展不仅对未来的和平文化建设实践具有指导意义,而且对人文社会科学和其他科学领域将产生不可低估的影响
With the peaceful culture movement, the eradication of war and the culture of violence, the building of a culture of peace has become the two basic goals of the peace culture movement. The quietly emerging study of a culture of peace marked by the 2000 “International Year for the Culture of Peace and Peace” proclaimed by the UN General Assembly is now entering a new historical stage. Its development not only has guiding significance for the future practice of building a culture of peace, but also will have an indelible impact on humanities and social sciences and other fields of science