软岩地质条件复杂,巷道底鼓快、边帮变形严重,支护困难,巷道坡度大,不利于综掘机的快速掘进。百色百矿集团下属东怀煤矿就属于典型的软岩煤矿,从2004年11月20日引进第一台掘进机至今已有11年,历经技术人员的不断摸索、总结、改进,目前已掌握掘进机的成熟技术,通过技术改进后创下月度掘进550 n1的掘进记录,为矿井的安全生产、高效生产、快速掘进奠定了坚实的基础。
Complex geological conditions of soft rock, roadway at the end of the drum fast, the edge of a serious deformation, support difficulties, roadway slope is not conducive to the rapid excavation of fully mechanized mining. Donghuai Coal Mine, a subsidiary of Baise Bai Mine Group, belongs to the typical soft rock coal mine. It has been 11 years since the introduction of the first boring machine on November 20, 2004 and has been groped, summarized and improved by technicians. At present, The mature technology of the machine, through technical improvement, set a monthly record of driving boring of 550 n1, laying a solid foundation for safe production, efficient production and rapid excavation in the mine.