自19世纪中叶德国病理学家Rudolf Virchow提出肿瘤起源于慢性炎症这一假说,提出肿瘤的一个关键特征是肿瘤中存在大量的白细胞,为炎症在肿瘤发生过程中的重要性提供了第一手证据。现在大量的实验和临床证据发现炎症应答和它们在肿瘤发展不同阶段的作用有着重要的关系。肿瘤细胞、特异的免疫细胞各亚型、间质细胞之间动态联系对肿瘤
Since the mid-19th century German pathologist Rudolf Virchow proposed the hypothesis that tumors originate from chronic inflammation, a key feature of tumors is the presence of large numbers of leukocytes in the tumor, providing first-hand evidence of the importance of inflammation in tumorigenesis . Now a large number of experimental and clinical evidence found that the inflammatory response and their role in different stages of tumor development has an important relationship. Tumor cells, specific immune cells of each subtype, interstitial cells dynamically linked to the tumor