Spectrum of diagnostic errors in radiology

来源 :World Journal of Radiology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:vialli_7
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Diagnostic errors are important in all branches of medicine because they are an indication of poor patient care. Since the early 1970s,physicians have been subjected to an increasing number of medical malpractice claims. Radiology is one of the specialties most liable to claims of medical negligence.Most often,a plaintiff’s complaint against a radiologist will focus on a failure to diagnose. The etiology of radiological error is multi-factorial.Errors fall into recurrent patterns.Errors arise from poor technique,failures of perception,lack of knowledge and misjudgments.The work of diagnostic radiology consists of the complete detection of all abnormalities in an imaging examination and their accurate diagnosis. Every radiologist should understand the sources of error in diagnostic radiology as well as the elements of negligence that form the basis of malpractice litigation.Error traps need to be uncovered and highlighted,in order to prevent repetition of the same mistakes.This article focuses on the spectrum of diagnostic errors in radiology, including a classification of the errors,and stresses the malpractice issues in mammography,chest radiology and obstetric sonography.Missed fractures in emergency and communication issues between radiologists and physicians are also discussed. Diagnostic errors are important in all branches of medicine because they are an indication of poor patient care. Since the early 1970s, physicians have been subjected to an increasing number of medical malpractice claims. Radiology is one of the specialties mostly to claims of medical negligence .Most often, a plaintiff’s complaint against a radiologist will focus on a failure to diagnose. The etiology of radiological error is multi-factorial. Errors fall into recurrent patterns. Errors arise from poor technique, failures of perception, lack of knowledge and misjudgments. The work of diagnostic radiology consists of the complete detection of all abnormalities in an imaging examination and their accurate diagnosis. Every radiologist should understand the sources of error in diagnostic radiology as well as the elements of negligence that form the basis of malpractice litigation. Error traps need to be uncovered and highlighted, in order to prevent repetition of the same mistakes.This article focuses on the spectrum of diagnostic errors in radiology, including a classification of the errors, and stresses the malpractice issues in mammography, chest radiology and obstetric sonography. Missed fractures in emergency and communication issues between radiologists and physicians are also discussed.
生长在农村,家里多多少少总有几亩地,种地是非常累的,我最怕上地里干活了,那真是太累人了。  可是我总是想不明白,为什么妈妈干活从不说累呢?  记得去年我跟妈妈去地里割稻子,虽然已进入10月。但天气仍然十分炎热,真是“秋老虎”热死人啊,哪里有半点秋高气爽的诗情画意。刚开始我还可以和妈妈并驾齐驱,可不一会儿,我已被妈妈远远地甩在后边了。此时的我汗流浃背,腰酸背痛,于是便对妈妈说:“妈!咱歇歇吧,快累死