很好听的名字吧,与其它地方不同,这里既没有可怕的守卫也没有巍峨的宫墙,有的只是古色古香的油画和工艺品。在美仑美奂的石柱和雕塑间静静站立着七脚烛台,一面面立镜从不同的角度注视着我们这些参观者,淡淡的恬静中别有一番韵味。这是个特殊的空间夹缝,也是心灵的迷宫。每一面镜子都是通向另一个世界的大门。穿越数百万光年的距离,在截然不同的两个时空间构架桥梁,把你的心送到遥远的波方。你们的灵魂就是开启大门的钥匙,每颗心在这里得到的共鸣都是不尽相同的,每个人的旅程也自然不同。一定把握住自己,千万不要迷失。准备好了吗?那就跟我来吧,嘘,轻一点,别打扰了 Blue 的睡眠……
Nice to hear the name of it, and other places different, there is neither terrible guard nor towering palace walls, some are just antique paintings and handicrafts. In the fantastic columns and sculptures quietly stood seven candlesticks, one side of the mirror from different angles, watching these visitors, a touch of quiet do not have a charm. This is a special space between the cracks, but also the maze of hearts. Each mirror is the gateway to another world. Cross the millions of light-years away, bridge the space in two distinct spaces, and send your heart to the distant waves. Your soul is the key to opening the door. Every heart’s resonance here is different. Everyone’s journey is naturally different. Must hold yourself, do not get lost. Ready? Then come with me, shh, light, do not disturb Blue’s sleep ...