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  In the months following my arrival, my mum feared she could not look after me. My dad could not see a happy future for me and worried about the kind of life I would have. They considered their options, including the possibility of giving me up for adoption. Both sets of my grandparents offered to take me and care for me. My parents declined the offers. They decided it was their responsibility to raise me as best they could.
  I soon proved that even without limbs I was athletic and well coordinated. I was all trunk but all baby boy too; a rolling, diving 1)daredevil. I learned to haul myself into an upright position by 2)bracing my forehead against a wall and scooting up it. My mum and dad worked with me for a long time trying to help me master a more comfortable method, but I always insisted on finding my own way.

  My parents worried about me constantly, of course. Parenthood is a shocking experience even with full-bodied babies. New mothers and fathers often joke that they wish their first child came with an operating manual. There was no chapter even in 3)Dr. Spock for babies like me. Yet I stubbornly grew healthier and bolder. I closed in on the“4)terrible twos” stage, packing more potential parental terrors than a set of 5)octuplets.
  How will he ever feed himself! How will he go to school? Who would take care of him if something happened to us! How will he ever live independently!
  Our human powers of reasoning can be a blessing and a curse. Like my parents, you have probably fretted and worried about the future. Often, though, that which you dread turns out to be far less a problem than you imagined. There is nothing wrong with looking ahead and planning for the future, but know that your worst fears could just as easily prove to be your best surprise. Very often life works out for the good.

  One of the best surprises of my childhood was the control I had over my little left foot. Instinctively I used it to roll myself around, to kick, shove, and brace myself. My parents and doctors felt that the handy little foot might be of greater use. There were two toes, but they were fused together when I was born. My parents and doctors decided that an operation to free the toes might allow me to use them more like fingers to grip a pen, turn a page, or perform other functions.

  We then lived in Melbourne, Australia, which offered some of the best medical care in the country. I did present challenges beyond the training of most health care professionals. At the time when doctors were preparing me for foot surgery, my mum kept emphasizing to them that I ran hot most of the time and that they would have to be especially attentive to the possibility of my body overheating. She knew about another child without limbs who overheated during an operation and was left with brain damage after suffering a brain 6)seizure.
  My self-roasting tendencies prompted an oft repeated family saying: “When Nicky’s cold, the ducks must be freezing.” Still, it is no joke that if I exercise too much, get stressed out, or stay too long under hot lights, my body temperature will rise dangerously. Avoiding a meltdown is one of the things I have to always be on guard against.

  “Please monitor his temperature carefully,” my mum told the surgical team. Even though the doctors knew my mother was a nurse, they still didn’t take her advice seriously. They managed a successful surgery separating my toes, but what my mum had warned them about came to pass. I emerged from the operating room soaked because they hadn’t taken any 7)precautions for keeping my body from over-heating, and when they realized that my temperature was getting out of control, they tried to cool me with wet sheets. They also put buckets of ice on me to avoid a seizure.
  My mum was furious. No doubt the doctors felt the 8)wrath of Dushka!
  Even still, once I chilled out (quite literally), my quality of life received a big boost from my newly freed toes. They didn’t work exactly as the doctors had hoped, but I adapted. It’s amazing what a little foot and a couple of toes can do for a 9)bloke with no arms and no legs. That operation and new technologies liberated me by giving me the power to operate 10)custom-built electronic wheelchairs, a computer, and a cell phone too.

  I can’t know exactly what your burden is, nor do I pretend that I’ve ever been through a similar crisis, but look at what my parents went through when I was born. Imagine how they felt. Consider how bleak the future must have looked to them.
  You may not be able to see a bright light at the end of your own dark tunnel right now, but know that my parents could not envision what a wonderful life I would have one day. They had no idea that their son would be not only self sufficient and fully engaged in a career but happy, and full of joyful purpose!   Most of my parents’ worst fears never materialized. Raising me was certainly not easy, but I think they’ll tell you that for all the challenges, we had plenty of laughter and joy. All things considered, I had an amazingly normal childhood in which I enjoyed tormenting my siblings, Aaron and Michelle, just like all big brothers!
  Life may be 11)kicking you around right now. You may wonder if your fortunes will improve. I’m telling you that you can’t even imagine the good that awaits you if you refuse to give up. Stay focused on your dream. Do whatever it takes to stay in the chase. You have the power to change your circumstances. Go after whatever it is you desire.

  我童年最棒的惊喜之一,是学会了 掌控我那只小小的左脚。出于本能,我用它来滚、踢、推和撑住自己,但爸妈和医生认为这只便利的小左脚应该可以发挥更大的作用。我的小左脚有两个趾头,不过我出生时它们黏在了一起。爸妈和医生认为动个手术分开这两个趾头,会让它们使用起来更像手指,可以做些握笔、翻页之类的事。

Have you been to California  Seen the sights and people there  Walked the streets of sleepy sea towns  Tasted salty ocean air    Once I flew to New York City  Took my picture in Times Square  1)Soho n
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2001年9月,《疯狂英语阅读版》第一期与读者见面,从此掀起一股疯狂学英语的热潮……  2011年9月,她十岁了,年轻且充满朝气,始终秉承“享受英语,享受阅读”的理念,不仅为大家带来地道的英语,还着眼于培养读者学习英语的兴趣,扩大读者的阅读知识层面,让读者真正地理解、掌握英语,热爱并享受英语。CR的文章总透露出淡淡的人文关怀和对创新的追求,让人读后有所启发,为之感动。  十年,于CR而言,是短暂的