国有股减持是中国资本市场的一件大事。在中国证监会果断停止“按第五条减持办法减持国有股”后,必须抓住时机,出台新的减持方法,否则,会影响中国资本市场的发展,动摇投资者信心。 国有股的转让,不仅在我国发展缓慢,在其他新兴市场国家也是一道难题。迄今为止,主要的减持方法包括向股票二级市场出售,向一级市场配售,股份公司自身回购,向外资、内资协议转让等等。但这些方法都存在局限性:从一级市场和二级市场套现,导致
The reduction of state-owned shares is a major event in China’s capital market. After the China Securities Regulatory Commission decisively stops “reducing state-owned shares according to Article 5 reduction measures,” it must seize the opportunity to introduce a new reduction method or it will affect the development of China’s capital market and shake investor confidence. The transfer of state-owned shares is not only slow in our country, but also a problem in other emerging market countries. So far, the main methods of reduction include the sale to the secondary market, the placement to the primary market, the repurchase of the stock company itself, the transfer of foreign capital and domestic capital, and so on. However, these methods have their own limitations: cashing off from the primary market and the secondary market results in