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一、数学学科应用信息技术的必要性科技发展到今天,传统的数学教学方式已经融入了信息技术成分。传统的数学教学方式大大减少了课堂信息量,导致课堂教学效率低。不仅如此,在课时安排方面,数学学科也比较少,使得教学密度要求越来越大。针对这一实际情况,传统的数学教学模式非常有必要改革,在改革的过程中,信息技术必不可少,同时也是现代教学过程中重要的组成部分,如多媒体课件或网络信息等都可以提高数学教学效率,还能根据自己的思路进行实际操作以及从不同渠道掌握信息,最终使学生能够积极主动的学习。 I. The Necessity of Applying Information Technology in Mathematics Subjects Today’s science and technology teaching methods have been integrated into the information technology components. The traditional mathematics teaching method greatly reduces the amount of information in the classroom, resulting in inefficient classroom teaching. Not only that, in terms of class schedule, math disciplines are relatively small, making the teaching density requirements more and more. In view of this actual situation, the traditional mathematics teaching mode is very necessary to reform. In the process of reform, information technology is indispensable and also an important part of modern teaching process. For example, multimedia courseware or internet information can improve mathematics Teaching efficiency, but also according to their own ideas for practical operation and grasp information from different channels, and ultimately enable students to take the initiative to learn.
我以前是个快乐的女生,喜欢笑,学习成绩也不错,老师和同学们都挺喜欢我。可是两年前我在溜冰时不慎摔断了腿,腿上留下了丑陋的伤疤和轻度的残疾。从此我不敢穿裙子,也怕别人笑我走路一瘸一拐……我总是觉得别人看我的眼光不一样。我需要朋友,但我的朋友似乎越来越少,我不希望自己这样,可不知道怎么办,感觉好孤独。    你的不幸遭遇让我感到心疼,但更心疼的是你因此而封闭自己。姐姐想告诉你,人的一生不会都是坦途,我