数年前我在一个中译本里第一次见到“柏拉图式的恋爱”这个短语时,曾遐想:柏拉图当年一定有过精神恋爱的风流韵事,以致代代相传、延留至今——这决非我的想像力丰富,相信我国读者中不少人也会有、或曾有过类似荒唐的、然而又是情有可原的联想。我们平常说“做白求恩式的国际主义战士”时不是会想到白求恩毫不利己、专门利人的事迹么?读到Herculean labour时不是会想到Hercules的十二大功绩么?不久前,出于偶然的好奇,信手查阅了有关资料,始知从前想像之大谬:原来所谓“柏拉图式的恋爱”Platonic love与柏翁本人毫无干系。这个短语出现在柏拉图《对话集》临近结尾处;在这里,作者并非歌颂男女之间超乎性爱之上的纯洁的精神恋爱,而是叙述他的老师苏格拉底对年轻人纯洁无邪的、普遍的爱。后来人们牵强附会地给它加上了“精神恋爱”这种意义。另外,法语中除了amour
When I first met the phrase “Platonic love” in a Chinese translation several years ago, I reverie: Plato must have had an affair of spiritual love so that it has been handed down from generation to generation - This is by no means my imagination is rich, I believe that many people in our country will have, or have had a similar ridiculous, but it is extenuating Association. We usually say, “Do not think of Bethune as an egoistic deed when he is” a Bethlehem-type internationalist warrior? “Herculesan did not think of Herculean’s 12 achievements when it came to reading Herculean labor? Not long ago, In the occasional curiosity, the letter of the reader access to the relevant information, before we know the past imagination of the absurdity: the original so-called ”Platonic love “ Platonic love and Bo Weng I have nothing to do. The phrase appears near the end of Plato’s Dialogues; here, instead of celebrating pure spiritual love between men and women beyond sexuality, the author recounts his teacher Socrates’s innocence toward young people, Universal love. Later, people forced it to add it to the ”spirit of love," this sense. In addition, French except amour