胡小唐教授只有41岁,学业有成,正是“春风得意马蹄疾”的年华。 他曾获首届霍英东青年教师奖,被评为天津市优秀教师。他领导的光电测控技术研究所是天津市新长征突击队。1994年成为国家教委“跨世纪优秀人才计划”首批入选专家。 胡小唐的身后,是一条不平坦的人生之路。 他出生在山西名城太原,在大跃进和“文化大革命”中度过了小学和中学时光,不到17岁参军,当的是工程兵。19岁转业到工厂当工人。值得胡小唐庆幸并永远铭记的是,与他同在一个小组的4名从名牌大学毕业的大学生。这些在车间“劳动改造”的大学生对年轻好学的胡小唐特别喜欢,于是,几个人做出一项“历史性”决定:每人辅导胡小唐一门高中功课,既讲解,又留作业,严格要求,一丝不苟。这对胡小唐来说,可是天大的好事。就这样,在动乱的
Professor Hu Xiaotang only 41 years old, academic success, it is “proud of horseshoe disease” years of love. He was awarded the first Fok Ying Tung Young Teacher Award and was honored as a talented teacher in Tianjin. He led the Institute of photoelectric measurement and control technology is the Tianjin Long March commando. In 1994, he became the first selected expert of the State Education Commission “Cross-century Excellent Talents Program”. Hu Xiaotang behind, is an uneven way of life. He was born in Taiyuan, a famous city in Shanxi Province. He spent his elementary and middle school during the Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution. He was under the age of 17 and was an engineer. 19 years old to factory workers. It is worth Xiaodong Fortunately and always remember that, with him in a group of 4 graduates from prestigious universities. Hu Xiaotang, the young and studious student especially liked the “reform” of the workshop, several people made a “historic” decision: each counseling Hu Xiaotang a high school homework, both to explain, but also homework, strict requirements, Meticulous. This is Hu Xiaotang, but a big good thing. That’s it, in turmoil