[目的]为筛选适合黑龙江烟区的烤烟新品种。[方法]以NC89为对照,对新引进的PVH2248、PVH2291、PVH2310、PVH2269、NC196、PVH2254等6个美国和巴西烤烟新品种进行比较鉴定。[结果]PVH2310植物学性状和农艺性状优良;移栽至现蕾56.00 d,移栽至中心花开64.33 d,大田生育期119.00 d;在烟草普通花叶病毒(TMV)和马铃薯Y病毒(PVY)普遍发生年份未发生以上病害;产量3 536.55kg/hm2,产值44 792.25元/hm2,均价12.68元/kg,上等烟比例19.61%;原烟外观质量较好,与对照品种NC89相当;烟叶主要化学成分含量适宜,内在化学成分协调。PVH2269植物学性状和农艺性状也较优良;移栽至现蕾56.67 d,移栽至中心花开65.67 d,大田生育期较长,126.00 d;TMV轻微发生,病指0.25,PVY病指2.21;产量3 384.30 kg/hm2,产值38 398.95元/hm2,均价11.35元/kg,上等烟比例22.82%;原烟外观质量较好,与对照品种NC89相当;烟叶主要化学成分含量适宜,内在化学成分协调。[结论]PVH2310和PVH2269综合性状表现较好,可以在黑龙江烟区进一步示范验证。
[Objective] The research aimed to screen new tobacco varieties suitable for Heilongjiang tobacco area. [Method] NC89 was used as a control to compare and identify six newly introduced tobacco varieties from USA and Brazil such as PVH2248, PVH2291, PVH2310, PVH2269, NC196 and PVH2254. [Result] The PVH2310 had good plant characters and agronomic traits; transplanted to budding 56.00 d, 64.33 days after transplanting to the center and 119.00 days in field. In PVV23 and TMV and PVY ) Occurred generally occurred in the year without the above diseases; output 3 536.55kg / hm2, the output value of 44792.25 yuan / hm2, the average price of 12.68 yuan / kg, the proportion of superior tobacco 19.61%; raw tobacco appearance is better, The main chemical components of tobacco content is appropriate, the internal chemical composition of coordination. PVH2269 had better botanical and agronomic traits; transplanting to budding was 56.67 days, transplanting to the center took 65.67 days, the growth period in field was longer, 126.00 days; TMV occurred slightly, disease index was 0.25 and PVY disease index was 2.21; The yield of tobacco was 3882.58 kg / hm2, the output value was 38398.95 yuan / hm2, the average price was 11.35 yuan / kg, and the proportion of finest tobacco was 22.82%. The quality of raw tobacco was good and the content of NC89 was the same as that of NC89. Coordination of ingredients. [Conclusion] The comprehensive traits of PVH2310 and PVH2269 performed well and could be demonstrated further in Heilongjiang tobacco-growing area.