With the slowdown of China’s economy, the rapid rise of debt and the pressure on companies to pay their debts, commercial banks face higher NPLs, raising the cost of financing, reducing the profitability of enterprises and raising the risks of commercial banks. At the 2016 National Conference on “Two Meetings” and the annual meeting of the BFA, Premier Li Keqiang twice proposed to explore ways to gradually reduce the leverage of enterprises by means of market-oriented debt-to-equity swap. Debt to equity after 17 years later reappeared in people’s eyes. However, there are obvious differences in background between the debt-to-equity swap and the debt-to-equity swap in the late 1990s. The selection of enterprises by debt-to-equity swap and the market-oriented exit mechanism afterwards have become the focus of attention to debt-for-equity swap. This article analyzes the difference between debt-for-equity and debt-for-equity trading in the late 1990s and offers a bold view of marketization and the selection of enterprises.