本文所记述的是二次大战中最大的间谍故事,主人公是美国“战略服务局”(Office of Strategic Service)属下千百个专家,学者,勇士与各色各样的工作者。故事中充满着许多以前常人无法明了,或不得而知的情节;若干事例有趣动人,若干事例却可歌可泣。美国当局因战事业已终了,最近才把这与轴心间谍苦斗的艰险故事详细发表,本文作者福特中校(Lieul.Col.Corey Ford)与麦克班少校(Maior Slastair MacBain)都是战略服务局的属员,因此关于这个世界性的活动一向知道得很清楚,本文原载“柯里尔”杂誌十月间各期,本刊也决分期连载,以(?)读者。
Described in this article is the largest espionage story in World War II, with the protagonist of hundreds of experts, academics, warriors, and assorted workers under the Office of Strategic Services in the United States. The story is full of many previously unknown or unknown circumstances; some interesting examples of moving, but a few things can be sobbing. The U.S. authorities recently published a detailed report of the hard-working story of the Axis Spy because of the end of the war, and the author Lie Lie.Col.Corey Ford and Maior Slastair MacBain are strategic services As a result, it is clear that this world-wide activity has been known for a long time. This article was originally published in the period of October in the magazine Curiel and is also published in series of articles by readers.