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细腻的文笔往往是温柔而多情的,它有感染力,它能使人从细微之处体味到内心的情感、事物的神韵,它能使人进入宁静愉悦的审美心境。然而,笔墨粗疏却是初学写作者常犯的毛病。使语言文字从粗疏走向细腻,从草率走向精致是写作训练的题中应有之义。 The delicate writing style is often gentle and sentimental. It has infectious power. It can make people appreciate the inner feelings and the charm of things from the subtleties. It can make people enter the quiet and pleasant aesthetic mood. However, brushwork is a common problem for beginner writers. It is the right meaning of writing training to make language and language from coarseness to delicateness and from sloppy to exquisite.