为了解杭州市吸毒人群中HGV的感染情况 ,分析吸毒人群中HGV的感染因素 ,为制订防制措施提供依据 ,我站于1997年 4~ 8月对吸毒人群进行庚型肝炎病毒抗HGV标志检测 ,现将结果报告如下。材料与方法 (1)调查对象 :为杭州市公安局戒毒所 1997年 4~ 8月收容的吸毒人群和
To understand the infection status of HGV among drug users in Hangzhou and analyze the factors of HGV infection among drug users and to provide evidence for the establishment of control measures, I tested the anti-HGV markers of hepatitis G virus from April to August 1997 ,The results reported below. Materials and Methods (1) Subjects for investigation: drug abusers admitted to Hangzhou Detoxification Office from April to August 1997 and