图片新闻:在创新上下功夫 在服务上找差距

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上海丝彩特印刷机械设备有限公司是我国闻名遐迩的丝网印刷机和切纸机生产企业,多年来该公司为我国的丝网印刷机和切纸机的创新和发展作出了重大贡献。去年虽然金融风暴席卷全球,该公司国外订单锐减,国内业务也受到一定的影响,但是风浪面前显英豪,该公司总经理方方运筹帷幄,团结一班人,在创新上下功夫, Shanghai Si Cai Special Printing Machinery Co., Ltd. is China’s world-renowned screen printing presses and Cutter production enterprises, over the years the company for our screen printing presses and Cutter innovation and development has made significant contribution. Although the financial crisis swept the world last year, the company sharply reduced its overseas orders and its domestic business was affected to a certain extent. However, despite the storm, the company’s general manager Fang Fangyun made concerted efforts to unite a group of people and make innovations.