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2 0 0 3年 11月 2 4日 ,中共中央政治局进行第九次集体学习 ,主要内容是“15世纪以来世界主要国家发展历史考察” ,我国著名历史学家齐世荣教授和钱乘旦教授运用现代化理论谈了他们对这个问题的体会。11月 2 6日 ,《人民日报》以《进一步认识把握社会历史发展规律 ,增强推动改革发展的自觉性主动性》为题 ,报道了总书记在主持学习时发表的重要讲话。胡锦涛指出 ,浩瀚而宝贵的历史知识既是人类总结昨天的记录 ,又是人类把握今天、创造明天的向导。一部人类文明史就是人类不断在以往历史的基础上有所发现、有所发明、有所创造、有所前进的历史。中华民族历来就有治史、学史、用史的传统。在新形势下 ,我们要更加重视学习历史知识 ,不仅要学习中国历史 ,也要学习世界历史 ,不仅要有深远的历史眼光 ,而且要有宽广的世界眼光。胡锦涛的讲话对新世纪中国历史学 ,特别是中国的世界史学科的发展 ,具有重要的理论指导意义和实际推进意义。为了推动中国的世界史学科发展和倡导“治史、学史、用史”的风气 ,本刊特组织一批专家学者 ,以笔谈的形式 ,各抒己见。 On November 24, 2003, the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee held its ninth collective study. Its main content is “Historical Survey of the Development of Major Countries in the World since the 15th Century”, by Professor Qi Shirong and Professor Qian Qidan, renowned historians of our country Modern theory talked about their understanding of this issue. On November 26, the “People’s Daily” reported on the important speech made by the general secretary when he presided over the study with the title of “to further understand and grasp the law governing the development of social history and to enhance the initiative of reform and development.” Hu pointed out that the vast and invaluable historical knowledge is not only a summary of yesterday’s record by mankind, but also a guide for mankind to grasp today and create tomorrow. A history of human civilization is the history that mankind has found, invented, created and progressed on the basis of past history. The Chinese nation has always had a tradition of governing history, learning history, and using history. Under the new situation, we should pay more attention to studying history knowledge. We must learn not only the history of China but also the history of the world. We must not only have a profound historical perspective, but also have a broad world view. Hu Jintao’s speech has an important theoretical and practical significance for the development of Chinese history in the new century, especially for the development of world history in China. In order to promote the development of China’s history of world history and advocate a culture of “governing history, learning history, and using history,” we organize a group of experts and scholars to express our opinions in the form of written speeches.
In this paper, a class of new biased estimators for linear model is proposed by modifying the singular values of the design matrix so as to directly overcome th
【摘要】城市化的发展促进市政道路的发展,人们对市政道路的施工质量要求越来越高。为进一步提高市政道路工程质量,施工人员越发重视水稳层这一重要环节的施工。据了解材料、设备、配料、运输、摊铺、衔缝、养护等都是水稳层施工质量控制要点,本文即对这些要点进行了研究,以为道路施工人员提供参考。  【关键词】市政;道路工程;水稳层;质量控制要点  市政道路的修建过程中,施工人员发现水稳层施工效率与质量对道路的整体
初中阶段的科学课程是一门综合科学教育的入门课程,它的内容涵盖了物理、化学、生物、天文学等领域,它要求面向全体学生,立足于学生发展,体现科学本质,突出科学探究,培养创新能力.新课程注重激发学生的学习兴趣,让学生在实践活动中,主动地学习知识、技能、方法,形成积极的情感态度和正确的价值观,提高科学素养和人文素养.这就要求教师必须调整教学模式,建立符合新课程标准的教学策略.  一、运用实验探究———提高科
In this paper, we discuss the generalized subaffine elastica in R2, the critical point of the total polynomial subafficne curvature functional. We completely so
摘要:批判性思维是我们在未来发展过程中不可或缺的一个重要能力,在英语学习中,锻炼自己的批判性思维能力,不仅利于我们的英语学习,对于后续的发展也非常有益。本文分析了批判性思维能力的特点以及英语学习中批判性思维的培养措施。  关键词:英语学习 批判性思维 培养  中图分类号:H319文献标识码:A文章编号:1009-5349(2017)24-0175-01  新课程改革要求培养全面发展的高素质人才,人