胡旨对此信心十足,他相信自己的奇人公司一定能赢来辉煌的那一天。因为,顺应市场及潮流者胜! 在南京,有一家专门从事文化经纪、策划、承办各类节庆会展的成长型公司。总经理整天挖掘类似于黄长求的天下奇人。每每挖到,就热情地将奇人请至南京,当众表演,请媒体前来宣传,根本没想拉赞助,吃住行等费用全由公司解决。总经理大把砸钱,却没做成一笔业务。手下的几名员工全
Hu Zhifu is full of confidence. He believes that his amazing company will win the glorious day. Because, in response to the market and trend wins! In Nanjing, there is a growing company that specializes in cultural brokering, planning, and hosting various types of festivals and exhibitions. The general manager digs for the strangers like Huang Changqiu all day long. Whenever they dig in, they enthusiastically invite strangers to Nanjing to perform in public and invite the media to come to publicity. They simply do not want to pull sponsorships. The general manager paid a lot of money but did not make a business. Several employees under the full