地质勘探是矿山建设前期工作的第一步,关系到矿山建设的成败。建国以来,我国勘探工作一直执行“地质勘探规范”的要求,取得不少经验,也存在一些问题。对此,认真加以总结研究是十分必要的。下面就我们工作中接触到的情况谈些初步意见,供讨论。 (一)存在问题 1.我国现行体制,地质勘探与矿山建设是分属不同部门管理的。当二者之间出现矛盾时,对于技术上的争论与分歧,都依赖“地质勘探规范”(以下简称规范)来裁定。应当承认,规范是在总结经验的基础上制订的,具有一定指导意义。但是,各种类型矿床的地质条件千差万别,其建设要求和勘探
Geological exploration is the first step in the preliminary work of mine construction, and it has a bearing on the success or failure of mine construction. Since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, our exploration work has been carrying out the requirements of the “Geological Prospecting Code” and has gained a lot of experience and some problems. In this regard, it is very necessary to conclude the study seriously. Here are some preliminary comments on the situation we are exposed to in our work for discussion. (I) Problems 1. The current system of our country, geological exploration and mine construction are managed by different departments. When there is a contradiction between the two, all disputes and disagreements about technology rely on the “Geological Prospecting Standards” (hereinafter referred to as the “Specifications”) for adjudication. It should be acknowledged that the norm is formulated on the basis of summing up experiences and has some guiding significance. However, the geological conditions of various types of deposit vary widely, their construction requirements and exploration