2006年7月27日,英特尔将一款万众瞩目的笔记本移动 CPu——酷睿2推上舞台后,各家笔记本厂商都纷纷推出基于酷睿2核心的笔记本,而价格也在不断下降。将近四个月来,由于各个厂商不懈努力的推广,配备了酷睿2的笔记本在市场中迅速普及。几乎每个消费者都打算购买一款这样的笔记本,尝试一下最新技术带来的快乐。但是很多人都只是知道酷睿2这一名称,根本就不了解酷睿2技术到底是个什么样子,这样非常容易被 JS 利用,因此,要购买到一款称心的酷睿2笔记本,咱们先还得来了解下酷睿2。
July 27, 2006, Intel will be a highly anticipated notebook mobile CPu - Core 2 onto the stage, the various notebook manufacturers have introduced Core 2 Duo notebooks, and the price is declining. For nearly four months, due to the unremitting efforts of various manufacturers to promote, equipped with Core 2 notebooks in the rapidly expanding market. Almost every consumer wants to buy a laptop like this and try the latest technology. But many people just know the name of Core 2, Core 2 Duo simply do not know what it is like, it is very easy to be JS use, so to buy a Core 2 notebook, we first have to understand Under Core 2.