第27届中国戏剧梅花奖现场竞演将于4月1 6日和5月8日分别在文化名城绍兴与南国花城广州拉开帷幕。这是中国戏剧梅花奖自1983年创立以来,第四次以竞演的方式推选梅花奖获奖演员。本次竞演由中国文联、中国戏剧家协会和绍兴市人民政府及广州市人民政府共同主办。两年一度的中国戏剧梅花奖已创办32年,共评出了634名梅花奖演员,在海内外产生了广泛影响,为培养优秀戏剧表演人才、繁荣戏剧事业做出了重
The 27th Chinese Theater Plum Awards live competition will be held April 16 and May 8 respectively in the cultural city of Shaoxing and the southern city of Guangzhou opened. This is the plum blossom prize of Chinese drama since its establishment in 1983, the fourth way to competing for the plum blossom prize winning actor. This competition is co-sponsored by China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, Chinese Dramatists Association and Shaoxing Municipal People’s Government and Guangzhou Municipal People’s Government. The biennial Plum Blossom Award for Chinese Theater has been founded for 32 years. A total of 634 Plum Blossom Award winners have been selected and have made a great impact both at home and abroad. They have made a heavy contribution to the cultivation of outstanding theater talent and prosperity of the drama industry