产品服务系统设计历经二十余年的发展,在我国影响也日益扩大。为了知其所以然,需要通过科学的文献综述,从庞杂的现有文献中针对性地厘清问题,从而推进其在我国的进一步发展和实践。本文研究创新性主要有三:首先,通过系统性文献综述方法,以相对科学的流程完成产品服务系统设计文献的选取工作。其次,借助文献引文分析软件Histcite,对2006年至2014年的相关文献进行引用图谱分析,以确证前期的文献选取结果。最后,按时间先后顺序具体描述了产品服务系统设计理论“源流、定义、分类、策略、案例与文献”的六大核心观点。在此基础上,总结发掘出进一步研究的方向和可能性,具体为“产品服务系统及其创新本质等基础理论的深入探索”和“产品服务系统对应的策略设计及其所需工具的开发”两大方向。“,”After twenty years of development, Product-service system design related theory and practice the relevant literature (especialy in English Literature) is already very rich. In order to clarify the main issues in the existing literature, especialy for our country, it is necessary to make a scientiifc literature review on the theoretical basis of product service system. In this paper, we ifrstly review the literature review method, and complete the relevant literature by the relative scientiifc process. With the aid of the literature citation analysis software Histcite, the relevant literatures from 2014 to 2006 were analyzed to conifrm (or modify) the selection results of the previous literature. At last, the author summarizes the core documents, complete the description of the “source, deifnition, classiifcation, strategy, case and literature” of the product service system. On this basis, the direction and the possibility of further research were studied.