《促织》是《聊斋志异》中一篇 具有深刻社会意义的小说。备课 过程中,我发现了两个对深入理 解课文有帮助的问题,试以管见 就教于方家。 一、宣德年间是治世还是乱 世? 小说一开始的背景介绍是: “宣德间,宫中尚促织之戏,岁征 民间。”“每责一头,辄倾数家之 产。”据史书记载,“促织之戏”早 在唐代天宝年间就已盛行,可作 者讲前朝故事,为什么把小说的 背景偏偏定在明朝宣德年间呢? 先让我们看一下课本的注释,“宣 德:明宣宗年号(1426-1435 年)。”《明史·本纪》中记载:明宣 宗名朱瞻基,是“仁宗长子”。“十 年春正月癸酉朔,不视朝”,死时
“Trouble-weaving” is a novel with profound social significance in Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio. During the lesson preparation process, I discovered two problems that were helpful in understanding the text in depth. First, during the Xuande period was the rule of the world or troubled times? The background to the beginning of the novel is: “Xuande, the palace is still a play of weaving, the age of civil society.” “Every responsibility, one will be inclined to the production of several.” According to historical records, The “weaving show” has been popular since the Tangbao days of the Tang Dynasty. The author can tell the story of the Qianchao. Why did you set the background of the novel in the Ming Dynasty Xuande? Let us first look at the notes of the textbook. Xuande: Ming Xuanzong The year number (1426-1435).“ Recorded in the ”History of the Ming Dynasty“: Ming Dynasty’s name was Zhu Zhanji and was the ”Yongzong eldest son." “In the spring of the tenth year, I am not looking at the DPRK.”