Herpes eczema or Kaposi’s chickenpox herpes occurs in patients with atopic dermatitis infected with herpes simplex virus, herpes simplex virus type 1 is a common cause of infection, but herpes simplex disease type Ⅱ can cause. Typical skin lesions appear as a group of chicken pox, erythema dispensable, pain, itching. Damage can develop to the umbilicus, and then begin to rupture, forming a callus and healing, the damage lasts ten days to two weeks, but often infected with high fever, uncomfortable and spread of the skin, and sometimes lethal, and secondly, can cause the virus Blood disorders, damage to internal organs such as lungs, brain, liver, digestive tract and adrenal gland. As the virus spread or secondary bacterial infection, the mortality rate as high as 10 to 50%. Diagnosis: Herpes basal part of the detached material with direct immunofluorescence staining, check the herpes simplex virus antigen, can make a rapid diagnosis, from the off herpes isolated virus