我们广大观众对于英达 ,是熟悉得不能再熟悉了。他从《围城》中走出来 ,一脚迈进了导演的“门槛” ,晃动着他那聪明睿智的大头 ,打造出了他的一部又一部喜剧。我很同意英达的说法 :“喜剧是善良的事业” ,同时我认为 ,好的喜剧和悲剧一样是最高层次的人文关怀 !仙逝了的柯灵先?
The vast majority of our audiences are no longer familiar with Yingda. He walked out of Besieged City, kicked into the “threshold” of the director, rocked his wise and wise man, and created one after another of his comedy. I agree with Indah’s remark: “Comedy is a good cause.” At the same time, I think that good comedies and tragedies are the highest level of humane care!