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话语标记语在日常交际中使用非常广泛,且和说话人的心理因素联系紧密,这就预示着对其语用功能的研究是有必要的。在关联理论框架下,通过对小说《哈利.波特与混血王子》中话语标记语well的分析,作者得出如下结论:well可用作面子威胁缓和语;结构分割语;自我修正标记语;信息延缓标记语;情感态度标记语。根据其语用功能的不同,某些类别还有进一步的细化分类。 Discourse markers are widely used in daily communication and closely related to the speaker’s psychological factors, which indicates that it is necessary to study their pragmatic functions. Under the framework of relevance theory, the author draws the following conclusion through the analysis of discourse well in the novel “Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince”: well can be used as face-threat mitigation; structural segmentation; self-correcting markup ; Information delay markers; Emotional attitude markers. Depending on their pragmatic functions, some categories have further refinement categories.
我国专利数据来源众多、指标关系复杂,针对现有专利价值评估过程依赖人为主观判断,缺乏客观、合理评估方法等问题,提出了一种基于分类回归树(classification and regression t
在优化非线性复杂系统问题中,智能算法已成为一种重要手段.提出了一种基于动态感知系数的自适应粒子群优化(particle swarm optimization,PSO)算法(self-tuning PSO,SPSO),将