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郭仲夫教授,1929年12月12日生于四川省温江县。幼入私塾,诵经明礼,少进中学,格物致知,学习勤奋刻苦,夙兴夜寐;待人忠厚朴实,敏事慎言。年十五,为温江名医郭甫卿慧眼所识,遂从甫卿习医。甫卿尽其所能悉心相授,仲夫医技大进,从此开始悬壶温江,拯危救难,活人无算。1959年参加成都中医学院师资班学习,继后留校担任全国著名中医学家(原成都中医学院院长)李斯炽教授之助手,参与李先生主持的《实用内经选释义》之编著,朝夕相聚,聆听教诲,历时七载,获益匪浅。此后担任《内经》教研室主任、教授,受聘《内经》硕士研究生导师。同时从事科学研究,提出中医天文气象学的创论。尤其对《黄帝内经》的钻研精深,其真知灼见为同道所叹服。业余时间,常为群众义诊,屡获奇效,有口皆碑。1994年6月14日,惨遭意外,不幸骤逝。万众同悲,门人哀之,相与搜其遗稿,略论其学术思想之大概,冀广其流传,以托不朽。 Professor Guo Zhongfu, born December 12, 1929 in Wenjiang County, Sichuan Province. Children into the private school, Chanting Ming Li, less into high school, Gezhi Zhi Zhi, learning hard and diligent, 夙 Xing night sleep; treat people honest, sensible cautious. Year fifteen, as the well-known Wenjiang Guo Fuqing know, then Xi Fu Xi Yi. Fuqing do everything possible to give as much as possible, Zhongfu medical technology, since then hanging pot Wenjiang, save the crisis, living without the count. In 1959, he attended the teacher classes of Chengdu College of Traditional Chinese Medicine and then stayed in school as an assistant to Professor Li Si-chi, a famous Chinese medical doctor (formerly Dean of Chengdu College of Traditional Chinese Medicine). He participated in the compilation of Practical Interpretation of Practical Needs, chaired by Mr. Li, , Listen to education, which lasted seven years, benefited a lot. Since then served as “Neijing” teaching and research director, professor, hired “Neijing” master tutor. At the same time engaged in scientific research, put forward the creation of astronomy meteorology. In particular, the “Yellow Emperor’s Internal Classic” delve deeply, its insights for the fellow admiration. Spare time, often for the masses of justice, award-winning miracle, reputation. On June 14, 1994, he suffered a tragic accident and passed away unhappily. The people of all walks of life with compassion, door grief, phase and search their manuscripts, a brief discussion of its academic thought, Ji Guang its spread, to care immortality.
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