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東方电气在埃塞俄比亚参与的最大水电站项目——埃塞俄比亚吉布3水电站Ethiopia – Gibe III Hydropower Project, Dongfang Electric’s largest hydropower project in Ethiopia


  Wang Yi, State Councilor and Foreign Minister New progress has been made constantly in promoting BRI international cooperation
  The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) has sketched out a “freehand brushwork” and now it is time to work out a “meticulous painting” and steer BRI cooperation towards quality-driven development. We will continue to make new headway in BRI international cooperation in accordance with the vision and goals set out by President Xi Jinping in his speech at the opening ceremony of the Second Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation (BRF).
  We will strengthen infrastructure connectivity. We will pull together with all parties to build highquality, sustainable, resilient, affordable, inclusive and accessible infrastructure, pursue sustainable development in economic, social, financial and environmental dimensions, and forge more cooperation projects that can withstand the test of history and the comments of people.
  We will seek win-win results through openness. As the world economy is facing severe challenges, it is essential for us to seek greater openness and cooperation and say no to protectionism to accelerate trade and investment liberalization and facilitation. We will also facilitate the flow of goods, capital, technology and people to power global economic growth and create broad space for it.
  We will highlight innovation-driven development. Keeping up with the trend of the times, we need to deepen innovation exchanges and cooperation to promote the digital, networked and smart development, and jointly explore new technologies and new forms and models of business to foster new growth drivers and blaze new development pathways. We will act as a booster for China’s Belt and Road Science, Technology and Innovation Cooperation Action Plan and the Belt and Road talents exchange program, in the hope of building the digital Silk Road and the Silk Road of innovation.   We will promote balanced development. We will stick to a people-oriented concept, put our focus on people’s better livelihood as always, and get to see that the joint pursuit of BRI cooperation will deliver true benefits to the people of all participating countries. In the joint pursuit of the BRI, we will always see that the vision of green development and sustainable development underpins project selection, implementation and management. In this connection, we will work with other parties to build the Belt and Road Sustainable Cities Alliance, the BRI International Green Development Coalition, and implement cooperation plans and initiatives like the Green Investment Principles for the Belt and Road, so as to create more opportunities for developing countries.
  We will deepen exchanges and mutual learning. We need to expand cultural cooperation in education, science, culture, and sports, increase exchanges among parliaments, political parties and nongovernmental organizations, and pay more attention to women, young people and people with disabilities. These will lead to the formation of a multi-layer pattern for cultural communication as well as more fantastic stories on the Silk Road.


  Liu Kun, Minister of Finance Supporting long-term BRI infrastructure financing via multiple channels
  At the Thematic Session on Financial Connectivity of the Second BRF, the Ministry of Finance officially issued the Debt Sustainability Framework for Participating Countries of the Belt and Road Initiative. The Framework is a tool for analyzing debt sustainability that is developed by drawing on the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank’s Debt Sustainability Framework for Lowincome Countries (LIC-DSF) and in light of the realities of the countries along the Belt and Road. Financial institutions in China and other countries participating in the initiative as well as international organizations are encouraged to use the tool on a voluntary basis.
  China supports long-term BRI infrastructure financing via multiple channels and upholds the opening-up strategy in BRI cooperation. Through multilateral cooperation platforms, we will incentivize multilateral development institutions to co-finance with BRI countries, and encourage third-party and multi-party cooperation to promote equity investment and PPP project financing. Public funds will give full play to its leading role to mobilize long-term capital and private-sector capital to participate in the initiative, and further improve the diverse, inclusive and sustainable BRI financing system.


  Zhong Shan, Minister of Commerce Working together to deliver a brighter future for highquality BRI economic and trade cooperation
  Economic and trade cooperation is a major part in building the Belt and Road. In the future, we will, under the principle of co-construction and following the concepts and objectives proposed by President Xi Jinping, have a clear focus and steer the course to take the BRI economic and trade cooperation to a new level.
  We will step up efforts to open markets and seek more cooperation. Along with revving efforts to improve the opening-up of market access and increase trade and investment facilitation, we will firmly uphold multilateral trading system by resolutely rejecting protectionism. Though opening up, we will also promote the free flow of economic factors, highly efficient allocation of resources and deep integration of markets, so as to power economic growth of all countries and create broad space for it.
  We will step up efforts to synergize development policies. On the basis of mutual respect and treating each other as equals, we will further strengthen multilateral dialogue and consultation and planning coordination in the economic and trade sphere, and seek common ground while reserving differences and perfect mechanisms, in a bid to enlarge our common interests and fully tap into the strengths of all participants.
  We will step up efforts to pursue innovation-driven development. We will further our cooperation in e-commerce and digital economy, expand new space for third-party cooperation, and facilitate trade and investment through innovation to push ahead with the digital Silk Road and the Silk Road of innovation.
  We will step up efforts to realize mutual benefit and win-win results. We will make development more inclusive and balanced, encouraging more small and medium-sized enterprises and developing countries to be better integrated into the global supply, industrial and value chains and benefited from international trade and investment with less development deficit.   We will step up efforts to promote sustainable development. Guided by the Green Investment Principles for the Belt and Road Development and the Beijing Initiative for the Clean Silk Road, we will see that the vision of sustainable development underpins all economic and trade cooperation project selection, implementation and management, thus to achieve our intended goals as planned.


  Yi Gang, Governor of the People’s Bank of China Building an open, market-oriented investment and financing system
  Statistics show that Chinese financial institutions have input more than USD 440 billion to promote the Belt and Road Initiative. Looking into the future, we need, guided by the principle of extensive consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits to pursue business-led and market-driven development for mutual benefit and win-win results and build an open, market-oriented investment and financing system, in a bid to promote the high-quality development of the initiative.
  Efforts shall be made to follow market rules and the principle of market-oriented development shall be upheld. In accord with the demand of market operation in building the Belt and Road, commercial funds will be the main source of financial support with minimized provision of concessional funds. Government funds mainly works as a leverage for the private-sector funds. The investment of the private sectors is going to domain the filed, encouraged and guided by the Government investment.
  Debt and risk management should be strengthened to achieve sustainable development. We should have an objective and comprehensive understanding of the debt problem of developing countries. If the increased debt is accompanied by the improvement of indicators conducive to sustained and sound economic growth, such as the improvement of infrastructure, people’s livelihood and labor productivity and the reduction of poverty rate, it will be conducive to long-term debt sustainability. Investment and financing decisions should fully weigh the capital constraints of main market players, design reasonable financing structure and effectively control risks. Also, full consideration should be given to the country’s maximum debt bearing capacity to enhance its coordination of investment and financing , thus ensuring the debt sustainability.

6月26日,重慶开通首条前往非洲的定期货运航线 Chongqing’s first regular freight air route to Africa opened on June 26(新华社 供图)


  Wang Jun, Administrator of the State Administration of Taxation Taking strong measures to ensure the full implementation of tax and fee cuts
  Chinese tax authorities will gear up for the negotiation and signing of tax treaties with participants of the initiative to avoid double taxation and resolve tax-related disputes. In addition, it will continue to revise the Guideline of “Goingglobal”Taxation, expecting 100 more guides on taxation and investment in the next two years for the key areas and regions of the Belt and Road.
  Tax burden is a major indicator to assess the business environment. China is taking measures to cut taxes and fees with total amount reaching nearly RMB 2 trillion this year. And in the first quarter, RMB 341.1 billion of tax were reduced, despite the fact that the application for wider VAT cut has not yet begun and the policy of reducing social security premiums has not yet been implemented.
  We will work with relevant departments to take effective measures to ensure tax cuts and administrative fee reductions are fully implemented, which will benefit both domestic and foreign enterprises, ease the burden on market players, and continue to optimize the economic and trade environment.
唐春辉,男,34岁。眉山市仁寿县人民医院妇产科医生,毕业于川北医学院,中国(四川)第22批援莫桑比克医疗队队员。  “春辉,回来啦!”  “春辉,好久不见!”  “春辉,瘦了!”  ……  在眉山市仁寿县人民医院,记者见到了援非医生唐春辉,他身边围着不少同事,正攀着他的肩膀寒暄着。此次回国,是源于唐春辉在援助国工作满一年而申请到的探亲假期。  站在自己工作了7年的医院,既亲切又熟悉。唐春辉告诉记者
楔子  成年之后的最初那几年里,无由地,我成为了一名默无声迹的民间雕工。每每夜色渐深,当我平静地坐到聚光灯下即将铺刀展木,总要先迷失一阵:习惯性地冲着茫茫夜空搓揉起右手食指。指尖顶端,群星闪耀,时而有只大鸟伴随着一条仿若心形的木船穿越现世的时空。接下来,啊,接下来一切仿佛都预设好了:双耳骤然轰响,恍惚间,那曾经举起的刨子再度落下,“呲嚓呲嚓”,阵阵破发音过后,金属的牙齿咬断木头的纹路,于是,我与俗
“一带一路”法治服务实践创新论坛上,四川省委常委、政法委书记、省法学会会长邓勇致辞(四川省法学会 供图)At the Belt and Road Forum on Legal Service Practice Innovation, Deng Yong, member of the Standing Committee of Sichuan Provincial Party Committee,
從成都出发,沿318国道一路逶迤向西,跨越数不清的山岭、江河、草原与冰川,最终抵达拉萨。这条交织着艰险与浪漫、远古与神秘的旅途,即将展开。  日前,由中铁二院工程集团有限责任公司牵头编纂的《川藏铁路勘察设计暂行规定》(征求意见稿),正式对外公布征求意见。文件首次明确披露川藏铁路设计标准为时速200公里,建成后,从成都坐动车去拉萨,将从36小时减少到约13小时!  川藏铁路是公认“最具挑战的铁路工程
俄罗斯总统普京:  俄方致力于同中国深化经贸、农业、金融、科技、环保、通信、基础设施建设等领域合作,加大地方交往,增进教育、文化、旅游等人文交流,希望加快欧亚经济联盟同“一带一路”的对接。  Russian President Vladimir Putin:  Russia is committed to deepening cooperation with China in the fields
2019年,四川外贸达到历史最好水平,全省实现货物进出口总额6765.9亿元,进出口规模居全国第10位,同比增长13.8%,高于同期全国整体进出口增幅。其中,四川对“一带一路”沿线国家进出口达1979.9亿元,同比增长20%。   新年伊始,在成都海关新闻发布会上,一组组上扬的数据将四川2019年经济发展的硕果“端”了出来。数据上扬的背后,是四川立体全面开放建设所释放的巨大红利。   自中共四川省
北京-乌兰巴托-莫斯科,急驰的K3次列车,穿越蒙古戈壁荒漠,沿着色楞格河河谷蜿蜒前行,驰骋在“西伯利亚的蓝眼睛”——贝加尔湖畔,掠过乌拉尔山脉东麓的欧亚大陆界碑……3个国家诸多风情,浓缩于这趟运行了近一个甲子的“神秘东方列车”沿线。  K3次列车于1959年6月4日开行,穿越中国的丰沙铁路、京包铁路、集二铁路、蒙古纵贯铁路及俄罗斯的西伯利亚铁路,全程7692公里。当列车缓缓驶出二连浩特站,穿越灯火
摘要:成都市在推进文旅融合发展实践中,坚持以深化旅游供给侧改革为主线,按照“文化为旅游赋能、旅游为文化塑形”总体思路,根植特色文旅资源优势,创新文旅融合发展机制,探索形成了具有成都特色的文旅融合发展“八大模式”,为推动文旅产业转型升级,加快建设全面体现新发展理念的城市提供有力支撑。  Abstract: In the practice of promoting the integration of
《制度型开放:构建“一带一路”投融资新体系》  作 者:肖钢  出版社:中国金融出版社  本书回顾总结了近六年来“一带一路”投融资的情况与特点,全面分析了制约投融资发展的问题与原因,提出构建利益风险共享、资金主体多元、体系运行高效、多边沟通有序的投融资新体系。不仅为参与“一带一路”建设的中资企业投融资工作提供了参考,也为金融机构提供了有益借鉴。《全球科技通史》  作 者:吴军  出版社:中信出版集
捷克首都布拉格老城区广场的传统复活节市场Traditional Easter market at the square of old town in Prague, the capital of Czech(新华社 供图)  摘要:捷克是中国“一带一路”倡议和“16+1合作”重要参与国家,本文通过分析捷克当前的经济形势和投资环境,进一步分析了中国企业在捷克投资的风险,其中主要包括捷克政局未来仍存在