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  Russian President Vladimir Putin:
  Russia is committed to deepening cooperation with China in the fields of economy and trade, agriculture, finance, science and technology, environmental protection, telecommunications and infrastructure construction. And Russia expects a faster alignment between the Eurasian Economic Union and the BRI.


  Tajik President Emomali Rahmon:
  Tajikistan regards deepening its comprehensive strategic partnership with China as one of its diplomatic priorities. We would like to enhance bilateral cooperation in key projects in such fields as energy, petrochemicals, hydropower and infrastructure construction within the framework of the Belt and Road .


  Afghan President Mohammad Ashraf Ghani:
  By proposing to build a community with a shared future for mankind and supporting the economic globalization, China has set an example of promoting the construction of a new type of international relations in the 21st century. Afghanistan stands ready to align its plan of reconstruction and development with the BRI and set up an even closer trade and economic partnership with China.


  Kyrgyz President Sooronbay Jeenbekov:
  Kyrgyzstan would like to connect its development strategies with the Belt and Road Initiative and enhance cooperation in such areas as trade, investment, energy, agriculture, infrastructure and local-level exchanges.


  Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan
  Pakistan appreciates China’s valuable support and assistance and applauds China’s active role in promoting international and regional peace and security. Pakistan will firmly advance the construction of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor and will take effective measures to ensure security for the project.


  Iranian President Hassan Rouhani:
  Iran attaches great importance to and is committed to the all-round development of bilateral ties. Iran is willing to participate in the Belt and Road Initiative and tap potential of cooperation in various fields.


  Qatari Emir Sheikh Tamim Bin Hamad Al-Thani:
  The Qatari side is ready to work with China to boost cooperation in key areas including investment and energy, as well as increase cultural and people-to-people exchanges.Qatar firmly supports China’s push to safeguard sovereignty and fight against terrorism, and pledgs to increase coordination with the Chinese side in multilateral affairs.


  Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan:
  Turkey attaches great importance to relations with China, and is willing to strengthen high-level exchanges between the two countries and expand their cooperation in economy, trade, finance, infrastructure construction and other fields. The Belt and Road Initiative is very important to Turkey. Turkey is willing to actively participate in its joint construction and cooperation.


  Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi:
  India is ready to work with China in intensifying high-level exchanges and bolstering strategic communication. Noting that next year marks the 70th anniversary of bilateral diplomatic ties, the two countries need to make a good plan for celebration to step up their people-to-people exchanges.


  Kazakhstan President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev:
  Developing relations with China will remain a priority in Kazakhstan’s foreign policy. Kazakhstan is ready to maintain highlevel exchanges, strengthen cooperation in such areas as trade, transport, logistics and digital economy as well as intensify multilateral coordination with China.


  Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko:
  Belarus supports the joint construction of the Belt and Road and is ready to enhance the cooperation with China in such fields as economy and trade, production capacity, science and technology, people-to-people exchanges, as well as the construction of the China-Belarus industrial park. Belarus is willing to coordinate with China within multilateral frameworks including the SCO.


  Niger’s President Mahamadou Issoufou
  The Belt and Road Initiative proposed by Xi embodies the concept of win-win instead of zero sum and it will benefit the whole world. Niger will work closely with China in Africa’s cause of peace and security and the process of modernization.
吉爾吉斯斯坦首都比什凯克Bishkek, capital of Kyrgyzstan(新华社 供图)  For a person, turning 18 means the coming of a new stage in life and more responsibilities.  After 18 years of growth, the Shanghai Cooperation Orga
赵磊:中央党校(国家行政学院)国际关系与“一带一路”研究所所长  Zhao Lei: Director of the Institute of International Relations and the Belt and Road Initiative, the Party School of the CPC Central Committee (Chinese Academy of Gove
Attendees of the fifth summit of the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia (CICA) hailed China’s initiatives on Asian security and development and agreed that Asian countr
1  “您好,钱墨痕先生吗?”  门外站着两个穿警服的人,我脑子懵了一下,想了一遍近两个月干的可能招来警察的事儿,男女关系可能乱了一些,但也不至于警察上門吧。脑子中飞速想着这些的间隙,我点了点头表示我就是他们要找的钱墨痕。  简直就像电影里演的那样,他们把警官证在我面前晃了一下,我还来不及看清便又一阵风似的收了回去:“我们是南京市公安局鼓楼分局的,有些事想找您了解核实一下。请问您现在有时间吗?” 
左、右图:3月26日,国家主席习近平在北京出席二土国集团领导人应对新冠肺炎特别峰会并发表题为《携手抗疫共克时艰》的重要讲话  一、病毒没有国界,疫情不分种族,人类是休戚与共的命运共同体,唯有团结协作、携手应对,国际社会才能战胜疫情   我一直讲,人类是一个命运共同体。战胜关乎各国人民安危的疫病,团结合作是最有力的武器。盖茨基金会很早就加入全球抗击新冠肺炎疫情的行动,发挥了积极作用。我支持盖茨基金会
电气装置项目比赛Electrical installation competition(新华社 供图)  近年来,随着“一带一路”沿线国家之间的经贸往来愈加频繁,技能活动与人才的交流也日益增多。5月26日至31日,“网红城市”重庆迎来了44个国家和地区的698名选手切磋技艺、大展身手。这场以“技能合作 共同发展”为主题的“一带一路”国际技能大赛让各国高手同场竞技,让观众大开眼界,叹为观止。  在为
唐春辉,男,34岁。眉山市仁寿县人民医院妇产科医生,毕业于川北医学院,中国(四川)第22批援莫桑比克医疗队队员。  “春辉,回来啦!”  “春辉,好久不见!”  “春辉,瘦了!”  ……  在眉山市仁寿县人民医院,记者见到了援非医生唐春辉,他身边围着不少同事,正攀着他的肩膀寒暄着。此次回国,是源于唐春辉在援助国工作满一年而申请到的探亲假期。  站在自己工作了7年的医院,既亲切又熟悉。唐春辉告诉记者
楔子  成年之后的最初那几年里,无由地,我成为了一名默无声迹的民间雕工。每每夜色渐深,当我平静地坐到聚光灯下即将铺刀展木,总要先迷失一阵:习惯性地冲着茫茫夜空搓揉起右手食指。指尖顶端,群星闪耀,时而有只大鸟伴随着一条仿若心形的木船穿越现世的时空。接下来,啊,接下来一切仿佛都预设好了:双耳骤然轰响,恍惚间,那曾经举起的刨子再度落下,“呲嚓呲嚓”,阵阵破发音过后,金属的牙齿咬断木头的纹路,于是,我与俗
“一带一路”法治服务实践创新论坛上,四川省委常委、政法委书记、省法学会会长邓勇致辞(四川省法学会 供图)At the Belt and Road Forum on Legal Service Practice Innovation, Deng Yong, member of the Standing Committee of Sichuan Provincial Party Committee,
從成都出发,沿318国道一路逶迤向西,跨越数不清的山岭、江河、草原与冰川,最终抵达拉萨。这条交织着艰险与浪漫、远古与神秘的旅途,即将展开。  日前,由中铁二院工程集团有限责任公司牵头编纂的《川藏铁路勘察设计暂行规定》(征求意见稿),正式对外公布征求意见。文件首次明确披露川藏铁路设计标准为时速200公里,建成后,从成都坐动车去拉萨,将从36小时减少到约13小时!  川藏铁路是公认“最具挑战的铁路工程