【摘 要】
We did some preliminary tests on LECR3 to produce Silicon and Chlorine ion beams in October 2003. Some good results have been achieved. Some useful conclusions
【出 处】
IMP & HIRFL Annual Report
We did some preliminary tests on LECR3 to produce Silicon and Chlorine ion beams in October 2003. Some good results have been achieved. Some useful conclusions have been drawn from those experiments. And afterwards, we also provided the HIRFL accelerator with the 35C112+ ion beam for the nuclear physics experiments.For the productions of Silicon and Chlorine ion beam, materials like SiH4, SiCl4 and CCl4 are chosen as the test samples. The typical characteristics of these materials are listed in Table 1.
We did some preliminary tests on LECR3 to produce Silicon and Chlorine ion beams in October 2003. Some good results have been achieved. Some useful results have been drawn from those experiments. And afterwards, we also provided the HIRFL accelerator with the 35C112 + ion beam for the nuclear physics experiments. For the productions of Silicon and Chlorine ion beam, materials like SiH4, SiCl4 and CCl4 are chosen as the test samples. The typical characteristics of these materials are listed in Table 1.
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In 2003, China Institute of Atomic Energy (CIAE) singed 4 international memorandums andagreements with the institutes of Korea、Germany and Canada. CIAE sent 3
[摘 要] 阐述了高等职业院校传统数学教学方式和弊端,提出了基于专业导向的分层分类、模块化的高职数学课程改革,使高职数学教学有效地与专业教育相结合,又符合各类别、各层次学生的实际学习需求,更提高了学生学习的兴趣和积极性,使高职数学教学达到了一个更好的教学效果。 [关 键 词] 分层分类教学;模块化;高职数学;课程改革 [中图分类号] G712 [文献标志码] A [文章编号] 2096-060