1949年11月9日,原国民政府中国航空公司、中央航空公司在香港通电全国,宣布回归大陆,震惊中外的“两航”起义爆发了。 起义以后,在争夺两家航空公司滞港财产的斗争中,原国民政府交通部部长端木杰,不惜冒着生命危险,为维护国家和民族利益,与以蒋介石为首的反动派进行了坚决的斗争,粉碎了他们一个又一个阴谋,使得数以亿计的财产重新回到人民手中,受到周总理的热情称赞和亲切接见。为纪念这位杰出的爱国主义者诞辰94周年和逝世20周年,特撰此文,以飨读者。
November 9, 1949, the original national government of China Airlines, China Central Airlines in Hong Kong throughout the country, announced the return of the mainland, shocked the Chinese and foreign “two routes” uprising broke out. After the uprising, in the fight for property stranded by two airlines, Duan Mujie, former minister of communications of the National Government, risked his life. In order to safeguard the interests of the country and the nation, Duan Mujie, a former Minister of Communications of the National Government, took a resolute struggle against the reactionaries led by Chiang Kai- Crushed them one after another conspiracy, making hundreds of millions of property returned to the hands of the people, praised and cordially received by Premier Zhou’s warmheartedness. In commemoration of the 94th anniversary of the birth of this distinguished patriot and the twentieth anniversary of his death, this essay is dedicated to readers.