虽然睾丸的大小在正常健康成人之间有相当大的差异,但睾丸体积在30~65岁的健康成人中无明显改变。用卡钳通过阴囊估测睾丸体积是一较准确的测定法。Ahmad 等测定睾丸3直径,应用公式1/3π0.5236D_1D_2D_3计算其体积。由于过去报导输精管结扎(简称结扎)对睾丸大小的影响有矛盾,故作者在结扎前及结扎后的不同时间,用卡钳测定睾丸体积以决定结扎后睾丸体积有无改变。15例志愿者作结扎术后,睾丸紧握于左手拇食指间,紧绷睾丸周围的阴囊皮肤,用右手握卡钳测量距离,以相互成直角的平面测定直径,再
Although the size of the testis is quite different between normal healthy adults, the testicular volume does not change significantly in healthy adults aged 30 to 65 years. The use of calipers to scrunch the testis volume is a more accurate measure. Ahmad and other determination of testicular diameter 3, the formula 1 / 3π0.5236D_1D_2D_3 calculate its volume. As the past reports of vas deferens ligation (on behalf of the ligation) on the size of the testis contradictory, so the author before and after ligation of the ligation at different times, the testis volume measured by calipers to determine whether there is no change in testicular volume after ligation. After the 15 volunteers were ligated, the testicles were tightly grasped in the left index finger and the scrotum skin around the testis. The right hand was used to measure the distance and the diameters were measured at right angles to each other