
来源 :中学历史教学参考 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qingtianleng
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在新课改、新理念、新模式逐渐被大多数老师接受,成为大家共识的大好形势下,为什么会出现“课程标准是新的,教材是新的,课堂教学却涛声依旧”的现象呢?关键是“说归说,做归做,考试还是老一套,课改实在出力不讨好”。为了帮助初中历史教师积极适应新课改和创造性地实施新课改,笔者认为,首先应准确理解新课改,尤其是正确理解新课改理念下的考试由“知识立意”转向“能力立意”的正确含义。结合三年来我对新课改理念的理解与命题实践,我认为当前推动历史新课改向深层次、更高水平发展的突破口应该是对历史试卷从形式到内容进行全面的改革,全新的设计,以此引导和推动已经启动的新课改的历史课堂教学创新和新理念的真正落实。一、新课改试题设计生动性要求与示例新课标历史教科书图文并茂、材料新颖,深受广大师生的喜欢,生动的新课改课堂必然呼唤生动的试题与 As the new curriculum reform, new concepts, and new models have gradually been accepted by most teachers and become a consensus situation for everyone, why do the “course standards become new, the teaching materials are new, and the classroom teaching is still the same?” The key to this phenomenon is “To say that, to do it, the test is still the same, and the class change is really thankless”. In order to help junior high school history teachers actively adapt to the new curriculum reform and creatively implement the new curriculum reform, the author believes that first of all, we should accurately understand the new curriculum reform, especially the correct understanding of the new curriculum reform concept from the “knowledge concept” to “ The right meaning of ”competence". Combining my understanding of the concept of new curriculum reform and propositional practice in the past three years, I believe that the current breakthrough in promoting the reform of new historical courses to a deeper level and higher level should be a comprehensive reform of the historical examination papers from form to content. In order to guide and promote the implementation of the new curriculum reform, the history of classroom teaching innovation and the new concept. First, the new curriculum reform test questions vivid design requirements and examples of new curriculum standard history textbook illustrations, materials, novelty, loved by the majority of teachers and students, vivid new curriculum reform class will inevitably call for lively questions and
一、制作目的简谐运动的运动特性可以用参考圆进行教学:做匀速圆周运动的质点在 x 轴上的投影和简谐运动具有相同的位移特性、速度特性甚至力学特性.目前,我们都是用光束照
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