海马(Hippocampus sp.)是一种海产经济鱼类,也是一种名贵的中药材,素有“南方人参”之称,我国部分地区已开展养殖。但养殖期间由于受到水质、饵料等因素的影响,病害发生较多,尤其在产苗之后1个月的时间内,病害特别严重,死亡率较高,这成了推广海马养殖生产的一个主要障碍。现将一些常见的病害及防治方法介绍如下:
Hippocampus sp. Is a seafood economy fish, is also a valuable Chinese herbal medicines, known as “southern ginseng,” said, some areas in China have been breeding. However, due to water quality, food and other factors during the breeding period, the disease occurred more, especially in the period of one month after birth, the disease is particularly serious, the mortality rate is high, which became the promotion of hippocampus production of a major obstacle . Now some common diseases and prevention methods are described below: